5 Ways To Make Wild Birds Happy

Vary the food and do not have Crumby
Maintain a well stocked supply platform correctly. Bread crumbs are low in fat and are actually harmful to the birds during certain seasons, such as winter, when they should eat high-energy foods such as fats, fruits, nuts and oilseeds. Experience with birdseed to see what birds you attract.

Make water available
A bird bath is a sure way to attract birds. Make yours more attractive setting some rocks in the water, so that projecting an inch or less. If the winters are very cold in your area, you can buy a bird bath heater to keep the water from freezing and provide a constant source of water.

Put Birdhouses
Buy a birdhouse specifically designed for the birds you want to attract (. Aviary store bought should include this information) Then put the correct height 2-5 meters tits, for example, or 6 meters or more pics. Clean the cage in late winter each year to attract more birds.

Add ornamental plants that attract birds
Birds like a wide variety of plants, but species that produce berries are particularly interesting. So are seed-producing plants such as sunflower and echinacea, as long as you let the faded flowers to go to seed.

Make Some home RSS
This easy and inexpensive recipe offers a mix of food - that will help attract a variety of colorful and interesting birds to your garden. 2 cups (60 g) of sunflower seeds / 2 cup (60 g) cracked corn / 2 cup (60 g) raisins / 2 cups (125 g) of crunchy peanut butter. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Press mixture into a bag of tallow style bird feeder or small chain. Hang the feeder in a tree.


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